AOL Instant Messenger: End of an Era


Shoutbox for jokes and news
Ice Truck Thrilla: I wish I was dead (but I don't want to kill myself) Jul 24, 2024 15:04:18 GMT -5
StingHouseLightSwitch: 2 words, role playin' shoutbox, dude Jul 25, 2024 1:20:18 GMT -5
fatass: What did you bring me? Jul 25, 2024 11:19:32 GMT -5
fatass: A drink and some uh.. Shout Box! Jul 25, 2024 11:19:48 GMT -5
lornvana: I am shouter, I don't do zissa staff. Jul 25, 2024 12:28:54 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: Does your boss know that you are online shouting? Jul 25, 2024 13:11:42 GMT -5
fatass: Shout is shout Jul 25, 2024 13:21:16 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: Shout is shout but showing up is showing up. And guess what fatass, you showed up! At a shoutbox where you knew a send button will be alone. After shoutally charged shouting online. You come in "Oh I wanna click you", little send button is nervous. Jul 25, 2024 16:58:40 GMT -5 *
JimsPepperSteak: I'm truly sorry.. and I'm not gonna be on this shoutbox any more. I have learned my lesson. Jul 25, 2024 19:50:11 GMT -5
JimsPepperSteak: Thank you for helping me with it.. I'm an excellent shouter and want to stay that way. Jul 25, 2024 19:51:50 GMT -5
jim008847: I didn't think it was that bad, on shoutbox Jul 25, 2024 20:32:31 GMT -5
fatass: You say you like to be called Papi Jul 25, 2024 23:46:18 GMT -5
JimsPepperSteak: The shoutbox is gonna be so shocked... Jul 26, 2024 1:18:12 GMT -5
Thir-teen?: My attorney and I plea bargained. This next Thursday I go to the shoutbox for it... for it... for 11 months. Jul 26, 2024 7:57:27 GMT -5
fatass: I don't wanna shout anymore.. Jul 26, 2024 9:40:45 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: It's latin for "shoutbox". Jul 26, 2024 9:43:09 GMT -5
somebodyonmycomputer: And me sucking your little sweet shout. I wanna shout you for real. Jul 26, 2024 16:15:03 GMT -5
Ice Truck Thrilla: have you ever seen the guy who tried to stab a cop with a pen and got tackled? some TCaPers call it a reverse Jeff Stacy Jul 26, 2024 18:18:51 GMT -5
twentytwosaunt: How far is this shoutbox from 635? Jul 26, 2024 18:42:29 GMT -5
fatass: But baby 15 could shout me 20 Jul 27, 2024 0:30:34 GMT -5