Daniel Peter Kelly - Flagler Beach


Shoutbox for jokes and news
gooddirections: I went out to shut my shoutbox Sept 6, 2024 12:10:47 GMT -5
gooddirections: 'Cause I always leave it open Sept 6, 2024 12:10:56 GMT -5
gooddirections: 'Cause I'm constantly in and out of it Sept 6, 2024 12:11:14 GMT -5
twentytwosaunt: I have no secrets, no regrets. no shouts to hide. Sept 6, 2024 12:30:03 GMT -5 *
thesoundofmakeup: You finished shouting with me at 5:36 MY TIME. Was there somebody else you spent those 2 hours shoutin' with? Sept 6, 2024 13:46:57 GMT -5
fatass: Am I gonna be... O'shouted? Sept 6, 2024 15:50:01 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: Where is the shoutbox? I was waiting to shout because I thought you were programming one. Sept 6, 2024 16:14:29 GMT -5
fatass: And me shouting your little sweet box Sept 6, 2024 17:42:37 GMT -5
Just Whacked My Toe: shouting in the shoutbox? That's a paddlin' Sept 6, 2024 18:07:15 GMT -5
finwa24: Take a look at this, my dad made this post Sept 6, 2024 19:48:08 GMT -5
gooddirections: You on vacation? Sept 6, 2024 20:22:51 GMT -5
gooddirections: Nahh, I'm down here shoutin' Sept 6, 2024 20:23:05 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: A vast majority of these shouters do not stand out of the crowd. They don't have the word "shoutbox" tattoed to their forehead. Sept 7, 2024 0:03:12 GMT -5
gooddirections: Don't shout it. I know what it says! Sept 7, 2024 0:28:57 GMT -5
gooddirections: She says shout at you and stuff, he he, ok, cute. Sept 7, 2024 0:40:24 GMT -5
lilykitty: I just came to the shoutbox to tell you guys i wasnt gonna use the shoutbox Sept 7, 2024 7:07:22 GMT -5
Thir-teen?: I had a nice little shout today! Sept 7, 2024 7:38:53 GMT -5
gooddirections: Wheeel... outside o' shouting.... Sept 7, 2024 8:18:20 GMT -5
fatass: Shoutbox chip my favwit Sept 7, 2024 12:34:51 GMT -5
fatass: When we had shouters in from the nup north.. Sept 7, 2024 12:41:32 GMT -5