Lorne's Virginity (or Lack Thereof): The Poll


Shoutbox for jokes and news
fatass: Shouting to meet somebody?.. is that against the law? Sept 5, 2024 8:40:37 GMT -5
thesoundofmakeup: I'm not a shouter at night. Sept 5, 2024 10:45:11 GMT -5
Thir-teen?: Can I shout first? Sept 5, 2024 11:20:52 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: It is after this shoutbox. Sept 5, 2024 12:55:54 GMT -5
gooddirections: Yeah, I thought it would be about two and a half shouts Sept 5, 2024 14:25:06 GMT -5
Thir-teen?: I turn on the shoutbox, and his reaction is.... you... are SO hot! Sept 5, 2024 15:16:03 GMT -5
gooddirections: Nice shoutbox, hun. I wanna lick that Sept 5, 2024 21:36:19 GMT -5
fatass: So are the cops out there? Sept 6, 2024 1:08:06 GMT -5
fatass: We'll see.. Sept 6, 2024 1:08:16 GMT -5
fatass: How about you guys, you wanna shout? Sept 6, 2024 1:08:33 GMT -5
JimsPepperSteak: I gotta shout off... (Sir? Sir? I need to read your shouts first) Sept 6, 2024 1:23:18 GMT -5
Oh man!: Why do you think I came to the shoutbox? Sept 6, 2024 5:18:07 GMT -5
mainepredator: The shoutbox might be cold. Took me a whall to find this place. Sept 6, 2024 6:48:04 GMT -5
gooddirections: Just... been shouting at you for a while, and you seem like someone who would be cool to shout with, and someone I'd like to MEET, so I wanted to come and... check out the shoutbox. Sept 6, 2024 9:04:50 GMT -5
guyatthegrocerystore: Well... here we shout! Sept 6, 2024 9:27:28 GMT -5
twentytwosaunt: I'm up in the front of my shoutbox. Sept 6, 2024 10:59:57 GMT -5
gooddirections: I went out to shut my shoutbox Sept 6, 2024 12:10:47 GMT -5
gooddirections: 'Cause I always leave it open Sept 6, 2024 12:10:56 GMT -5
gooddirections: 'Cause I'm constantly in and out of it Sept 6, 2024 12:11:14 GMT -5
twentytwosaunt: I have no secrets, no regrets. no shouts to hide. Sept 6, 2024 12:30:03 GMT -5 *